the Journey To Everest Base Camp.

So often, we enter into the unknown like cats clinging to the edge of a bath. Oblivious to the resistance present within us- Until we are plunged face first into the water. I knew the task i had chosen would to be tough, but In truth, I had no idea of the weight. 

I had a vivid picture in my mind of what the experience would be like- and doing so is a sure way to get yourself into trouble. For the idea never quite meets reality toe to toe, always falling short or far exceeding. 

The most unexpected twist was the lesson of patience it demanded. The irony being, that those who seek adventure, are typically champing at the bit to be moving. A great energy that propels them through - making it hard to stay settled. To wait. But to be at the mercy of natural elements is one of the most powerless places. There is no reasoning with wind. Or rain. The only cure for these obstacles is time. 

It taught me that pushing yourself till your blue in the face will only lead you further away from Your goal. It took me four days of being in high altitude to realize the pivotal link in what was happening. I would try and out run the headaches, muscling my way up mountains as i do in life. Until i was spinning out like a sun drunk lizard on a rock, almost unable to go on. The pace with which i was intent on traveling was the very thing slowing me down….read that again

There is something tremendous that occurs when you slow and finally settle- Meet yourself in the aloneness. When the only sounds you’re accompanied by is that of footsteps and breath. I am in awe of the sheer magnitude, not only of the landscape but the task that lies ahead. Of the many feet that have walked this path before me- full of the same hope and greater. A drive so strong they are willing to trade it all just to glimpse the summit. I suppose this quality to be true not only of men who endeavor to conquer Everest - we’re all climbing our own mountains it seems. Longing for views just beyond our reach. 


It’s amazing when you stop trying to wriggle out of things - How much softer they become. Yet we flail our limbs like a tantrum throwing child and wonder why the air becomes tighter. 

If only we knew the way the world held us- even in moments of hot headed panic. The stillness with which it awaits our return when we cast ourselves adrift. The sureness it keeps in our absence- everything will and always does come to an end. And when it does you’ll find yourself waiting, in the sea. In The sky. In the silence. 

Nature is where we go to remember & forget.  There is an irreplicable beauty in the way it provides an escape and also a road back home. 




‘I Am’ The Book.