The Do’s And Dont’s Of Headshots.

Fourteen years of headshots later, think it’s safe i’ve seen it all. Heres the top 5 Do’s and Dont’s from my years both Behind and infront of the camera.


1. come prepared!

  • headshots are one of those things that will only be as good as you allow them to be, you get out of the Experience what you put in! So show up prepared and give yourself the best shot at a successful session. find out how you get the most out of you session here.

2. Write a checklist.

  • write a list of everything you might need in any given situation to make sure you aren’t caught short. This ensures you don’t sweat the small stuff and can focus on being your best self.

3. ask questions & speak up.

  • Communication is one of the most important aspects of a headshot session that is so often overlooked. Don’t be afraid to work WITH you photographer and let them know what you like and what you don’t! these headshots are ultimately for YOU and to represent your brand. in my eyes unless you walk away happy the job isn’t done.

4. try something new!

  • Don’t be afraid to try something different with your physicality, look or just overall approach to your session. The whole idea is to get a photo that shows off who you are and makes you stand out. Find the quirkiest parts of your Personality and Incorporate that into your headshots!

5. Do your research. Have examples!

  • It is so important to have a clear idea of what you want before you arrive on set for your session. A great way to ensure this is understood and Communicated is by finding example shots that you like of other people. That way you have solid Reference point for yourself of what you want to Achieve and an easy way to show your your photographer what your ideas are. clean and simple communication is key!


1. Wear fake tan.

it may not seem like a big deal but it has the ability to ruin a beautiful photo. while your photographer has editing software and can do their best to fix a blotchy fake tan…….there is only so much that can be done and it will usually still show up. A headshot is there to show who you are in your most authentic and natural state, embrace who you are and what you were born with. YOU ARE ENOUGH.

2. Allow the negative self talk.

  • Own you mind, own your time! We all struggle with moments where we may feel Inadequate or down about certain aspects of ourselves, this is why emotional priming is so important before your session. they say your eyes are a window to the soul, therefore the camera sees all. Do everything in your power to create the mental state you need for your session and banish all that isn’t helping Achieve that.

3. compare yourself to others!

  • Although the example images are so important, it’s crucial to be Disciplined with how you view them. Use them merely as a spring board/ starting off point but once you’ve started creating your own version, put them away! Do not go down the rabbit hole of trying to replicate the image or be someone you’re not. For this completely works against what we are trying to Achieve. we are capturing who YOU are!

4. Go ahead with a session if you feel Uncomfortable.

  • make sure you do your research on whoever you choose to be you photographer. there are so many creeps and scammers out there who take Advantage of others as part of their business. look out for hidden charges and business scams. And most importantly if something doesn’t feel right or if anyone is asking you to do or Participate in something that feels off to you, do not do it trust your gut! its never worth the risk.

5. Hesitate to ask questions.

  • theres no such thing as a stupid question especially in this situation. if theres anything you don’t understand do not hesitate to reach out and enquire. again, this whole process is about you and its Imperative you are Equipped with the knowledge you need in order to feel confident on the day!


Hair & Make Up Artists.


How To Own Your Session.