How To Own Your Session.

we all want to get the best out of our headshots, heres some ideas on how you can!

the lead up;

in the lead up to your shoot its a great idea to-

  • get some example shots together. as i mentioned in The Do’s and Dont’s having examples allows you Have Solid Reference Point For Yourself Of What You Want To Achieve And An Easy Way To Show Your Your Photographer What Your Ideas Are. the shots you choose don’t have to fully Encompass everything you want in your headshot, it can just be an aspect of it that you like (the pose, lighting, angel etc).

  • make sure you have your outfits ready in advance so it doesn’t create a last minute stress. You should choose outfits that you feel really bring a taste of who you are and make you feel confident! always bring more outfits than needed, sometimes they can show up different on camera than expected!

  • sort out wether you want your hair and make up done or if you want to do it yourself. if you are choosing to get it done its great to have examples for that too!

  • Create a checklist for yourself to run through on the day to make sure you don’t forget anything crucial (mascara or strapless bra.)

  • the night before Make you wash your hair and do all your beauty prep. Having clean hair and fresh skin/face really makes all the difference. (Remove fake tan if any on.)

The day Of;

this is your day to shine so in the lead up to arriving you should-

  • make sure you have eaten and are hydrated prior to arriving

  • go through your checklist and make sure you have everything you need. some essentials you should include are hairbrush, touch up makeup, outfits and everything that goes with them.

  • treat your journey to the studio as prep for being on set. create the environment that will best serve you that day, wether that be listening to something that relaxes you or pumps you up, this is your time to emotionally prime and get in a good headspace!

  • make sure to allow plenty of travel time so you’re not stressed and can show up relaxed and ready.

in the session;

once you arrive at the studio it’s time to-

  • remember to stay present and try to enjoy the Experience! headshots are supposed to be fun and the more relaxed you are the better the results will be.

  • be bold, Bring your personality into the room. This process is about not only capturing who you are but what makes you stand out. be creative with your Physicality and ideas (whoever is taking the photos will help you with this as well.)

  • don’t be afraid to pick or create a playlist for the day that helps you get into the vibe you’re trying to bring to your photos. this is a great way to trick your mind into relaxing and take the focus off yourself!

  • lastly, own the space this is your time!


The Do’s And Dont’s Of Headshots.


How To start your photography journey.